Minister Louis Farrakhan deceptively speaks of “Non-Caucasian” Humanoids being eradicated from the planet on a massive scale, in order to control the planets population and/or resources. However, the real question is, do Religious Orders like the Nation of Islam have a vested interest in uncontrollable planetary Population Expansion? Furthermore, are Religious Orders and/or Institutions like the Nation of Islam contributing entities and/or agents working on behalf of the “Caucasoid Mind-Set”? The reader is hereby challenged to become: Judge, Jury and Executioner. Let Us examine the facts. Recently there was an up-roar over Government Funded Contraception for women, and this had the Catholic Church and Other Religious Fanatics out-raged. The Religious out-rage was so fierce that President Obama was forced to back-peddle and/or cave on the issue. Conversely, the planet, or should I say, according to the “Caucasoid Mind-Set”, the planet is not capable of sustaining the already Seven-Billion Humanoids that currently exist on the planet. Now the Caucasoid Superpowers like Britain, Russia and America are strategically positioning themselves for the possibility of war with billions of “Non-Caucasoid Humanoids”. But wait, why are Religious Orders and/or Institutions like the Catholic Church and the Nation of Islam motivated to see the planets population increase on a massive scale? This question will surely be answered at the end of this discussion. However, one must understand that issues surrounding Poplation Growth are merely, “Number Crunching Games”, combined with hyper-religious ideology, rhetoric and/or fantastic Apocalyptic Ghost Stories. In that, all Religious Orders and/or Institutions have embedded and/or subliminally programmed some form of a “Doomsday and/or Apocalyptic Scenario” into the Conscious and/or Sub-conscious minds of the Planets Humanoid Population, and therefore, have set in motion the fruition of these Apocalyptic Ghost Stories on a self-fulfilling automated conveyor belt. Hence, Humanoids have been so duped and/or brainwashed into believing these fantastic Apocalyptic Ghost Stories that they now believe that these fantastic Apocalyptic Ghost Stories are coming to fruition, based on the perceived divinity of a book (i.e Bible, Quran, and/or Torah.) You see, when one studies the hierarchical structure of all Religious Orders and/or Institutions, one will find a design similar to that of a dictatorial Pyramid and/or Corporation, where an infallible: Pope, Minister, Pastor, Reverend, Rabi, Imam and/or Shake sits at the top of that Religious Order and/or Institution dictating from a book that has been deemed “Divine”. Funny, how no one in the Church, Mosque, Cathedral and/or Synagogue ever questions where the book came from, or is it possible that these books are mere fabrication and/or made-up stories similar to the way Walt Disney made-up the story, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, or how George Lukas concocted the movie, “Star Wars”. One must over and/or under-stand exactly how the “Caucasian Mind-Set” maintains control and/or power over the planets “Non-Caucasian Humanoid Population”. Hence, it is done by subliminally programming, shaping and/or psychologically priming the “Will and/or Spirit of the Humanoid Population”. In that, shaping the “Will and/or Spirit of the Humanoid Population” is very similar to the way a coach gives his team a fiery pep-talk just before a big game. That being said, notice if you will that the Zionist Controlled Mass-Media is incessantly driving and/or pushing a propaganda agenda and/or narrative towards war with Iran. Moreover, notice how Israel and the United States are unapologetically bolstering and/or proclaiming their allegiance to each other. Be that as it may, wait for it…wait for it… Voila, the movie “Act of Valor” is created.

The movie “Act of Valor” is right out of Hitler’s, Nazi Germany book, “Propaganda 101”. In that, “Act of Valor” is nothing more than a massive propaganda tool and/or stunt, being used to boost Military morale and/or influence the “Will and/or Spirit of the Humanoid Population” in order to correct and/or re-align the Human Psyche with the goals and/or objectives of the American Military Industrial Complex. However, this may not sound very convincing to the reader who is unable to comprehend the Psychological depths of the “Caucasoid Mind-Set”. Therefore, allow me to give you some back ground knowledge into why Hollywood and the Pentagon are scrambling to secure and/or influence the “Will and/or Spirit of the Humanoid Population”.

Think about it, when General David Petraeus had a mild-stroke before the U.S. Senate, it demonstrated an inclination that something in the Universe of the “Caucasiod Mind-Set” was out of alignment and/or skewed. This inclination became a factual reality for Pentagon and Government Officials when 30 Navy Seals were killed by a haphazard and/or fluke Rocket-Propelled Grenade (RPG) in Afghanistan. This forced Government Officials to question whether or not, military objectives were soundly aligned with the “Will and/or Spirit of the Humanoid Population” and/or the Space-Time Agenda of the “Caucasoid Mind-Set”. These catastrophic blows had both Government Official and American’s wondering if, American values were no-longer in sync with the mission and/or objectives of the American Military Industrial Complex. Mind you, the 30 Navy Seals that were killed, were not your run-of-the-mill, bright-eyed, bushytailed and/or Johnny-Come-Lately-Enlistee’s, these were Elite Soldiers; these were highly skilled and/or highly trained Special Forces. Hence, Soldiers of this magnitude and/or training breadth do not get instantaneously whipped-out by a “fluke” Rocket-Propelled Grenade (RPG), unless something in the Space-Time Agenda of the “Caucasoid Mind-Set” is not properly aligned. So, the movie “Act of Valor”, using real Soldiers, was created in an attempt to influence and/or manipulate the “Will and/or Spirit of the Humanoid Population and/or the Caucasoid Space-Time Agenda”. The movie “Act of Valor” served as a kind of summons, and/or pep-talk to the “Will and/or Spirit of the Humanoid Population and/or the Caucasoid Space-Time Agenda” in order to Psychologically Prime the “Caucasoid Mind-Set” for possible war with Iran. One may be saying, “Every word in this discussion is merely coincidental, and therefore, hog-wash”. One might even go as far as to say, “No one can influence and/or control an individuals “Will and/or Spirit”. Touché, oh ye of little understanding, touché, allow me to point your attention to the recent up-roar in the Muslim World over the burning of a book known as, “Quran”.

Think about it, the mere singes and/or burn marks on a piece of paper triggered and/or influenced massive riots, civil un-rest and the killing of top U.S. Military Officials by religious zealots who are so hyper-religious that the burning of a book triggered psychotic and/or hyper-religious fervor in “Humanoids” known as Afgan’s. Think about it, the mere singe and/or burn mark on a piece of paper forced President Obama to issue a submissive and/or cowardice apology for the desecration of a book. This alone, has destroyed the morale of U.S. Soldiers, and now has United States Soldiers hesitant and/or second guessing their military objectives. Who would have thought, that somthing as simple as burning paper would turn out to be the decisive military maneuner that would determine the out-come of the war in Afgannstan. Now allow me to take you off on a quick scientific tangent, in that, according to Astrological Theories surrounding Black Holes in the Universe, the Black Holes natural purpose and/or objective in the Universe is to devoir all matter within the gravitational pull of its event horizon. That being said, can it be that the “Caucasoid Mind-Set” is so diabolically opposed to the Natural Order and/or Laws in the Universe that it is Psychologically Predisposed to culling and/or eliminating “Non-Caucasoid Humanoids” from the face of the Planet Earth? Furthermore, like the theory surrounding Black Holes, can it be, that the rapid increase in the “Non-Caucasoid Population” represents the Natural Order and/or Laws of the Universe mounting an All-Out-Assault of absolute contradiction towards the Psychological Predisposition of the “Caucasoid Mind-Set”. Note: the phrase “Caucasoid Mind-Set” is used to establish the fact that many “Non-Caucasoid Humanoids” have aligned themselves with the Psychological Predisposition of the “Caucasoid Mind-Set”, and they to, are Psychologically Predisposed toward going against the Natural Order and/or Laws of the Universe, thus enhancing and/or increasing the extreme hostile and/or volatile Psychological Predisposition of the “Caucasoid Mind-Set”.

 Now we return to the question, what motivates Religious Orders and/or Institutions like the Catholic Church and/or the Nation of Islam to promote uncontrollable Humanoid Population Expansion and/or Growth? As was established earlier, Humanoid Population Expansion is nothing more than a “Number Crunching Game”. In that, the more Humanoids on the planet, that are in possession of a “Caucasoid Mind-Set” means, for the planet, more chaos; the more Humanoids on the planet, that are in possession of a “Caucasoid Mind-Set” means, for the planet, more hyper-religious zealots that Religious Orders and/or Institutions can manipulate and/or influence; the more Humanoids on the panet, that are in possession of a “Caucasoid Mind-Set” means, for the planet, more “Scarcity” of planetary resources which then keeps the Humanoids looking to Religious Orders and/or Institutions like the Catholic Church and/or the Nation of Islam for salvation. Note: Many Religious Orders and/or Institutions are in cahoots with the American Military Industrial Complex in order to take total control over resources that have been deemed “Scarce” by the “Caucasoid Mind-Set”. Moreover, the more Humanoids on the planet, in possession of a “Caucasoid Mind-Set” means, for the planet, more ritualistic formulas concocted by Religious Order and/or Institutions in order to manipulate and/or program of more Humanoids to execute and/or carry-out more Nefarious Assignments at the behest of Religious Orders and/or Institutions. Not to mention that, those Nefarious Assignment are broadcasted via Zionist Controlled Mass-Media, which sets in motion a vicious cycle of fear, hyper-religious fervor, irrational and unreasonable behavioral constructs in more Humanoids. Thus giving Religious Orders and/or Institutions undue influence, control and/or relevance in the mind’s eye of more Humanoids. All of which, has been Mathematically Calculated, Orchestrated, Mediated, Manipulated and Designed by Esoteric Ritualistic Mathematicians and/or Magicians who work in the upper echelon’s of Elite Caucasoid Governments, All (Big and Small) Religious Orders (Yes, including the Nation of Islam) and/or the Zionist Controlled Mass-Media.

Fret not, ole ye weary Public, for the Laws of Pantheism are at hand. And thanks to the perpendicular level of Cyberspace the balance of power is shifting.

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