Bass told Fox host Chris Wallace that her perspective “developed over time” and that she now understood that the Castro government “was a brutal regime.” Bass said she spoke with colleagues from Florida who raised concerns about her comments and that she “would not do that again, for sure.” “I absolutely would have not put that statement out,” she said. Scrutiny of Bass, the chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, has grown in recent days as she has emerged as a top contender to be Biden’s pick for vice president on the Democratic ticket. Republicans have started to attack her ties to Cuba. “She will be the highest-ranking Castro sympathizer in the history of the United States government,” Florida GOP Sen. Marco Rubio said. On NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Bass brushed aside Rubio’s characterization and said Republicans “have decided to brand the entire Democratic Party as socialists and communists.” Still, Bass signaled an openness to strengthening diplomatic ties between the United States and Cuba, in line with the policies of former President Barack Obama. “It is just very important, the way the Obama administration had opened up relations with Cuba,” she said. “The best way to bring about change on the island is for us to have closer relations with the country that is 90 miles away … I don’t consider myself a Castro sympathizer.” 


bass treasonBass and her Spiritual Father Louis Farrakhan are devote members of The Scientology Network… Like her broke lower extremities, Tammy Duckworth will Break our Great Nation by appeasing terrorist groups like: Antifa, Nation of Islam and Black Lives Matter.. Tammy will be the #2 in Joe Biden’s Dementia and Shit Laced Administration who will vehemently greenlight the removal of Historical Statues… Not to mention the fact that Tammy has been feckless and complacent during the astronomical and ever increasing Black-On-Black Homicides in (Illinois’s 8th Congressional District) Chicago, Illinois… Although Tammy is a Veteran she is silent when the NBA and NFL Players disrespect Our National Anthem are Our Great American Flag. Never forget that Demon-rats never knew what was possible to accomplish until President Donald J. Trump enter the White House. Never forget Tammy Duckworth’s Senatorial Campaign was financed by China… This begs the question “WHERE IS [QUID PRO QUO] HUNTER BIDEN”?

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