Be advised, as the Chi-Raq tax base is leaving, NOI Zealots will say, So! Ok young grasshoppers: The tax base in Chi-Raq pays for the welfare recipient who attends Mosque Maryam and The Nation of Islam relies on the nickels and dimes The NOI Fleeces from Black Females who attend the weekly Hucksterized Dog & Pony Show and which keeps the lights on at Mosque Maryam… And even though Milquetoast Ishmael Muhammad proved he could keep Mosque Maryam afloat with a minimalist skeleton crew during The Biological Weapon’s outbreak from Dr. Fauci and the CDC (i.e., COVID-19) the doors of Mosque Maryam must close due to insufficient charitable contributions. The Nation of Islam will fade into obscurity all because Chicago, Illinois’ no longer has an adequate Tax Base to sustain its Welfare Population… High Crime and Extreme Poverty is an equation that will bring forth Cataclysmic Events and the permanent closure of Mosque Maryam… Funny, the so-called “DIVINE WARNER” (i.e., Louis Farrakhan) never foresaw or was never authorized the claivoyant attribute needed to fathom the collapse of Chi-Raq’s Tax Base… Damn! It’s getting so bad on the Southside of Chi-Raq that the Farrakhan Family are now contemplating the liquidation of the Farrakhan Family Farm… TAKE IT OR LET IT ALONE!!!

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